Resep: Polvoron (Powdered Milk Candy) Kekinian

Polvoron (Powdered Milk Candy). Find Deals on Bulk Of Candy in Chocolate on Amazon. First strain the flour to make the flour soft with no big objects then put the flour in to the pan and toast till light brown. Do not leave it alone toasting on open fire.

Polvoron (Powdered Milk Candy) This Filipino candy brings back memories of childhood in most Filipinos as this is usually given as loot in birthday parties and fiestas. Speaking of birthday parties and fiestas, the Polvoron is used in one of the usual parlor games on these occasions. Believe it or not, selling this candy has become one of the main sources of income for many kababayans. Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kamu dapat menghidangkan Polvoron (Powdered Milk Candy) hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 18 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Polvoron (Powdered Milk Candy)!

Bahan Polvoron (Powdered Milk Candy)

  1. Dibutuhkan 1 cup of terigu pro sedang (segitiga).
  2. Sediakan 1,5 cup of susu bubuk.
  3. Siapkan 1 cup of margarin cair.
  4. Siapkan 1/2 cup of gula halus.
  5. Siapkan of Alat :.
  6. Gunakan botol of Tutup.
  7. Sediakan Plastik of cling wrap.

Polvoron is a favorite Filipino powdered candy. It is Spanish sounding, which I am sure came from centuries of Spain's influence in our culture and cuisine. The word 'polvoron' comes from the Spanish root word 'polvo', meaning powder. This is considered as a dessert or snack in the Philippines wherein roasted rice puffs referred to locally as "pinipig" is added.

Cara memasak Polvoron (Powdered Milk Candy)

  1. Ini cup yg saya pakai yaa. Silahkan sesuaikan dg cup atau alat yg ada di rumah masing2..
  2. Goreng terigu di pan teflon dengan api kecil sampai warnanya agak kekuningan, atau sampai aroma terigu mentahnya hilang. Jgn sampai gosong atau kecoklatan, krn akan mempengaruhi aroma..
  3. Lelehkan margarin sampai cair saja, jgn sampai mendidih..
  4. Campur susu bubuk, terigu, gula halus, & margarin cair di baskom, aduk rata dg spatula..
  5. Ini hasilnya kalau sudah tercampur rata..
  6. Bagi menjadi beberapa bagian, sesuaikan dg varian rasa yg diinginkan. Saya bagi jadi 4 varian..
  7. Untuk rasa green tea, saya tambahkan ½ sdt green tea powder..
  8. Utk rasa coklat, saya tambahkan 1 sdt coklat bubuk (elmer)..
  9. Utk red velvet, saya pakai pasta (toffieco) kira2 ½ sdt, tapi lebih bagus kalau pakai powder ya sepertinya, krn hasilnya bisa rata 😁.
  10. Siapkan tutup botol, lapisi dg plastik. Tuang adonan secukupnya, tekan2 hingga padat..
  11. Putar ujung plastik atau juga bisa langsung dikeluarkan dari cetakan. Lakukan hingga adonan habis..
  12. Masukkan ke dalam lemari es selama 15 - 60 menit, sampai set atau mengeras..
  13. Sajikaan 😍.
  14. Ini yg original.
  15. Green tea.
  16. Red velvet (kalau pakai pasta hasilnya kurang rata) 😁.
  17. Coklaaat.
  18. .

There are several recipes for this Filipino treat that are available today. Cook like a Pro Make dinner tonight, get skills for a lifetime. Try exclusive recipes with step-by-step video instruction from Pro instructors. Homemade Candy Corn Taste and Tell. Polvoron has become a favorite gift to give to friends and family and even friends overseas.

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