Resep: Chicken Katsu yang Gurih!

Chicken Katsu. This is my family recipe for Chicken Katsu - Japanese style fried chicken. Can also be used to make Tonkatsu, just use pork cutlets instead of chicken. Serve with white rice and tonkatsu sauce.

Chicken Katsu The name "Katsu" comes from the English word "cutlet," which becomes "katsuretsu" when transliterated into. Chicken Katsu is the crispiest chicken cutlet you can easily make at home! I'm talking about Chicken Katsu (チキンカツ), a Japanese version of chicken schnitzel. Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, teman-teman dapat memasak Chicken Katsu hanya dengan menggunakan 16 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Chicken Katsu yuk!

Bahan Chicken Katsu

  1. Gunakan of 💚 Bahan ayam.
  2. Dibutuhkan 1 of dada ayam(500 gr) fillet di bagi 4 bagian.
  3. Sediakan 3 siung of bawang putih.
  4. Diperlukan 1/2 sdt of lada.
  5. Siapkan 1/2 sdt of garam.
  6. Diperlukan 100 ml of susu.
  7. Sediakan of 💚 Bahan pelapis.
  8. Gunakan 5 sdm of tepung terigu.
  9. Sediakan 1 sdm of maizena.
  10. Gunakan 1/2 sdt of bawang putih bubuk.
  11. Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt of garam.
  12. Siapkan 1/2 sdt of kaldu bubuk.
  13. Dibutuhkan 1 butir of telur, kocok lepas.
  14. Gunakan 125 mg of tepung panir.
  15. Siapkan of 💚Pelengkap.
  16. Sediakan of Kare Jepang (lihat resep).

Chicken katsu is widely seen on most Japanese, Korean, and Hawaiian restaurant menus. Normally, chicken katsu is either served on a bed of cabbage slices or placed next to a scoop of rice. Chicken katsu (Japanese chicken schnitzel or chicken cutlet) is usually served with the However, preparing chicken katsu is like cooking pasta. You need to master a few basic techniques to get the.

Cara membuat Chicken Katsu

  1. Dada ayam potong 4, lalu di pukul2 supaya saat marinasi bumbu meresap ke dalam daging ayamnya..
  2. Marinasi ayam dengan semua bumbu n diamkan selama kurleb 1 jam atau semalaman biar bumbu meresap..
  3. Campurkan semua tepung pelapis di dalam wadah, kocok telur. Balur ayam dengan tepung pelapis sambil di tekan2, lalu celupkan kedalam telur n balur lagi dengan tepung panir secara merata. Lakukan sampai ayam habis.
  4. Simpan ayam yang sudah di balur tepung panir ke dalam wadah tertutup lalu diamkan di kulkas selama 30 menit..
  5. Panaskan minyak, lalu goreng ayam dengan minyak panas api kecil..
  6. Sajikan ayam dengan nasi hangat, kuah kare Jepang n salad. Mantap rasanya 👍👍👍 Selamat mencoba n semoga suka ya.. 😊😊😊.

Ordering chicken katsu at a Japanese restaurant guarantees you a few things: juicy chicken enveloped with shatteringly crisp breading, served with a sweet-tangy sauce that keeps you coming. Chicken Katsu - Japanese fried chicken cutlet with panko bread crumbs. This recipe yields very crispy chicken and served with homemade Katsu Chicken katsu is served with a tonkatsu or katsu sauce. Chicken katsu, fried chicken cutlets, are an obsession for chef Roy Choi of Kogi BBQ in Los Angeles. The simple recipe is made with only five ingredients.

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