Resep: Giraffe Swiss Roll Cake Anti Ribet!

Giraffe Swiss Roll Cake. Our Giraffe Swiss Roll Cake is easier than it looks, and tastes even better! Remove the cake from the tin and, whilst hot, roll it up, from the short side, with the pattern facing outwards. Doing this makes it easier to roll later and prevents the sponge cracking.

Giraffe Swiss Roll Cake There were a couple of steps involved, but if I could make it, anyone can. Well, they are both awesome and impressive, and both the animal and this sponge cake roll have the same pattern. To see this Swiss roll up close, however, you don't. Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, teman-teman dapat menghidangkan Giraffe Swiss Roll Cake hanya dengan menggunakan 14 bahan dan 10 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Giraffe Swiss Roll Cake yuk!

Bahan Giraffe Swiss Roll Cake

  1. Diperlukan of a.
  2. Dibutuhkan 4 of kuning telur.
  3. Gunakan 10 gr of gula halus.
  4. Siapkan 1/2 sdt of vanili.
  5. Gunakan 50 ml of susu cair.
  6. Gunakan 50 ml of minyak.
  7. Diperlukan 60 gr of terigu.
  8. Gunakan of b.
  9. Gunakan 35 ml of air panas.
  10. Siapkan 20 gr of coklat bubuk.
  11. Siapkan of c.
  12. Dibutuhkan 4 of putih telur.
  13. Gunakan 70 gr of gula pasir.
  14. Dibutuhkan 1 sdt of air lemon.

This type of desert we present to you next: Giraffe Swiss roll. To know if it is done, gently press finger on the top of the cake, and if it springs back, it's done, and an inserted toothpick should come out clean. Giraffe Patterned Swiss Roll Cake [Video]. You'll find an instructional video above that takes you through the process step by step - it really is so We'd say this is the perfect cake for birthdays and special occasions, but to be hones it's so easy and so delicious we're always trying to come up with.

Cara membuat Giraffe Swiss Roll Cake

  1. Siapkan bahan, pisahkan kuning dan putih telurnya...
  2. Campurkan bahan A aduk dgn whisk, ambil 3sdm pisahkan, sisihkan..
  3. Campur sisa bahan A dgn B aduk rata, sisihkan..
  4. Mixer bahan C dgn menuangkan gula perlahan lahan dgn 3tahap sampai mengembang kaku, matikan mixer. Ambil 3sdm masukan ke adonan putih td yg dipisahkan aduk rata masukan ke dlm plastik segitiga,sisihkan.
  5. Campurkan semua bahan A B C secara perlahan aduk balik sampai tercampur rata.sisihkan..
  6. Siapkan loyang 22x22x4 olesi dgn margarin dan alasi dgn kertas baking, beri motif pada loyang dgn adonan putih tadi..
  7. Panggang dl motifnya 5menit (oven sudah di panaskan dulu ya) lalu tambahkan adonan coklatnya panggang 15menit dgn api atas bawah..
  8. Note.. jika adonan putih msh sisa campurkan lagi ke adonan coklat, aduk rata..
  9. Angkat dan biarkan dingin.
  10. Balikan cake lalu buang alasnya dan balikan lagi, olesi dgn buttercream dan tambahkan parutan keju,, gulung dan padatkan lalu simpan d kulkas 1jam supaya lebih set, bagus saat memotong nya..

Take a grease-proof paper and trace out the giraffe pattern. Prepare a pan and place the paper with the pattern. TIL I can look at the word giraffe and read "zebra". Our Giraffe Swiss Roll Cake is easier than it looks, and tastes even better! A perfect addition to kids parties.

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